Rei Earns Her First Violin
Rei Tries Her New Violin Hold
Once she was able to play on her real violin, she could pluck all of the strings and perform "The Ant Song." Now she can work on playing "Pepperoni Pizza" on the E string and "The Pickle Song" on the A and E strings. Before we know it, she'll be playing Twinkle just like her older brother at the studio recital in New York City. Keep up the good work and practice, Rei, and enjoy your new violin!
Congratulations to Rei, who just received her first real violin! She has been taking violin lessons since she was 2 1/2 years old, practicing with a paper box and a wooden dowel, watching her older brother's Suzuki violin lessons and having short lessons on her own. Before she could get her own real violin, she needed to learn how to hold the box in rest position and play position and hold the violin up while listening once to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. She also learned an excellent bow hold, clapping rhythms and all the parts of the violin.
Rei Meets Her Violin