Two New Members of the 100 Day Practice Club!

Cincinnati Violin Practice

Congratulations to Julia and Madeline M. for earning their membership to the 100 Day Practice Club! Both sisters have practiced every single day for the past 100 days, and they are continuing their hard work until they reach 365! 

Julia is studying Suzuki Violin Book 3 with Ms. Cara in Cincinnati. Since she started the club, she has really improved her violin playing, and learned new techniques. Her consistent use of dynamics and articulations has brought a whole new level of expression to her playing. Her knowledge of fingerboard geography has also improved with her 3rd position practice. I'm excited to see the progress she makes in the next year!

Madeline is studying Suzuki Violin Book 1. In the past 100 days, she has made tremendous progress! She has mastered her low 2nd fingers and her 2 octave G major scale. Learning Etude was a breeze for Madeline, because she listens to the Suzuki CD everyday. Our new challenge for the next few months is getting comfortable with note names, learning to read music and mastering new bowing patterns. 

Way to go, Julia and Madeline!